Nature is the Best Medicine


Do you ever struggle with your stress levels?

I do and this week is no exception. The baby isn’t sleeping. My big girl is sick again. This week it feels like reality is catching up with me. I’m running from one task to the next feeling like my to do list is only getting longer. My inner voice is talking so fast I can’t keep up. I’m getting frustrated easily and not parenting as I would like.

Today instead of letting the same old cycle continue I’m taking control. After a 4am start and it taking forever to get out of the house I’m choosing to be kind to myself.

I’ve packed lunchboxes and we’ve headed outside, to one of my favourite wild locations. Being at this particular beach is almost spiritual for me. Growing up I spent long summer afternoons here. I married the love of my life on this sand. I’ve sat and watched thunder storms roll past. Been on long lonely walks with the dog, on what seem like endless sand stretches.

Sitting here on a large chunk of driftwood, watching my kids quietly explore their surroundings, each of us in our own little world, content, I can feel the warm winter sun melting the tension away. Just being outside and breathing fresh sea air puts everything back into perspective for me. This is what life is about.

No toys other than shells, seaweed and surf battered wood. I can see this calmness having an effect on my youngest, as he crawls off to investigate the gulls that have dropped by.

Normally I would be looking for the learning opportunities that are endless in an outdoor environment but today we are all just living in the moment.

If it feels like life is rushing by for you. Get outside, give yourself a moment.

