Summer Garden Dough Set

Summer Garden Dough Set


Let your little ones enjoy the colours of a summer garden with our beautiful Summer Garden Dough Kit. Our summer garden dough set contains the following: 1) a jar of our vibrant Flower Power Wild Putty - a vibrant pink dough mixed through with some lovely dried rose petals and infused with rose essential oil 2)  a gorgeous set of Garden dough stamps and 3) Three small tins of Wild Blooms including Wild Glitter, Strawflowers and Rosebuds.

Product Information:

Vegan, palm oil free, preservative free, wild putty is a natural product, hence colours may vary slightly. All batches are made fresh when ordered. Wild Putty will have a shelf life of three months but will easily last six with the proper care.   Keep sealed at room temperature and if it starts to dry out, use damp hands to knead.  

Ingredients: Flour, salt, coconut and jojoba oils, cream of tartar, red cabbage, rose essential oil, rose petals

Wild Putty is not for consumption. Recommended for 3+ . 

Playdough stamps are hand-made by our clever Aussie friends at BeadieBug Play from sustainably sourced pine and finished with tung oil. The toppers are laser-cut birch ply.

Wild Glitter is a beautiful mix of dried flowers included rose buds, rose petals, chamomile, yarrow, calendula and lavender.

This set is recommended for children aged 3+. Dried flowers may present a choking hazard and so supervision is recommended. Essential oils have been chosen carefully to ensure they are types that do not present a risk to children and are used in line with best practice dilution recommendations. Please let us know if you wish to have no scent added to your Wild Putty.

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